You had an awesome stage set for a while, but now it’s time to move on to something else. There was a lot of time and effort put into the current one though, and it seems such a shame to unceremoniously trash it. What else can you do with it? Here are some ideas:
Re-purpose the elements for an upcoming program
We used our string Psalm boards as a child barrier for our VBS program. We pulled all of the yarn and nails off then had fun splatter painting them to match our VBS theme.
Move it to somewhere else as a permanent installation
We had a beautiful chained cross the took people hours to make all the paper loops for. Surprisingly, it was still in good condition when it was time to switch it out. We moved it to the lobby of our church where there was a huge blank spot that needed to be filled. It may not stay there forever (it will probably come down to put up Christmas decorations) but it helps to make the space more inviting.
Donate to another church!
By donating the set to another church, you’ve saved them time and money that they may not have had to do something similar. It may inspire them to be more creative and add something to it!
What are some ways you have repurposed some of your stage designs?